Hi Ken,
according to the last decision of TSC, I implemented the option (A).
So, to summarize now we have:
Consignment. Transport_ Contract. Contract
where "Contract" class is as follows:
1 ID
2 IssueDate
3 IssueTime
4 ContractTypeCode
5 ContractType
*6 Note
7 ValidityPeriod
8 ContractDocumentReference
* 9 NominationPeriod
*10 ContractualDelivery
(*added in UBL 2.1)
The definitions related to ASBIE 9 and 10 are:
NominationPeriod: An association to Period. The nomination period is
the period in which the transport user has to book the transport
service before the transport should begin.
ContractualDelivery: An association to Delivery.
I am asking if these definitions should be modified in order to specify
that these ASBIEs should be used only in transport context.
Best regards
Il 23/07/2010 15:55, Jon Bosak ha scritto:
4C499F5C.9000702@pinax.com" type="cite">Hello
I'm leaning toward solution A also, but with no real understanding
of why the new items were felt to be necessary.
As decided in this week's Atlantic TC call, however, the decision
will be made by the UBL Transport Subcommittee (TSC). We are
expecting that decision at next week's meeting.
Arianna Brutti wrote:
Hi Ken,
I analized your proposals and my opinion is as follows: I don't like
solutions B and D, because of the problems that you described.
From my point of view A solution is the best, so I agree with Roberto,
but I think also that the C solution could be acceptable.
I am going to wait for your final decision before to act.
Best regards
il Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:40:46 +0200 (CEST)
"Roberto Cisternino" <roberto@javest.com> ha scritto:
Ok Ken,
forget sub-contracts now, also it is not viable as this addition would
require a party too.
I vote for (A) as nomination and delivery date are common concepts to
transportation, constructions, ...
I really prefere we enhance the actual base Contract for these new
At 2010-07-22 16:27 +0200, Roberto
Cisternino wrote:
I have a business question on this
For which reason we are going to use a specific "Transport Contract"
over the generic "Contract" class ?
Yes, the answer to that is critical to the direction we choose to take.
From the information below I do not see
a valid reason. I mean the
following information seems to me still related to *any* contract and
So I would see a more simple solution where we just update the actual
cac:Contract by adding "NominationPeriod" and "ContractualDelivery" at
end of its structure.
Yes, this is my proposed solution (A) to this problem. All the more
reason if they are not specific to transportation as I was worried they
A note to the TSC: the existing Contract has only optional
constructs so it would seem that (A) would meet your users needs by
leaving the "old" constructs absent and only using the new constructs
you have defined.
Moreover I would suggest to add a
Sub-Contract (0..n) too.
Can we please leave that question to the response to PRD01? I know
it is a simple change but at this (very!) late stage to prepare PRD01
for review I would like to restrict discussions only to things that
at this moment are broken or unresolved.
. . . . . . . . . . . Ken
> At 2010-07-18 22:02 -0400, I
>><cac:TransportContract> is obliged to contain at
>>least the old children, but it is allowed to
>>have new optional children. I see three ways to fix this:
>>(A) We could add the new items to the old
>><Contract> but they aren't related to contracts
>>in general, only to transportation
>>contracts. But that isn't so bad since users
>>are already used to finding things in objects that they don't
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* Document Engineering Services Ltd. - Alliance Member
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Roberto Cisternino
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