OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: [ubl] Re: [ubl-clsc] Groups - wd-ublclsc-codelist-20040414.doc uploaded

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Re: [ubl-clsc] Groups - wd-ublclsc-codelist-20040414.doc uploaded

    Posted 04-15-2004 22:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Re: [ubl-clsc] Groups - wd-ublclsc-codelist-20040414.doc uploaded

    On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:32:06 +0200, <stephen_green@seventhproject.co.uk> 
    > Regarding the CLSC document, lines 34 and following read,
    > "...a substitution group mechanism required for extensibility in the
    > XMLSchema mapping, that while not formally adopted for 1.0, will be the
    > bedrock for future 1.1 initiatives in this area"
    > Certainly "..will be the bedrock for future 1.1 initiatives in this
    > area.." is out of line with my recollection of the agreement.
    > It was agreed that we'd make looking at it a high priority for 1.1, so
    > it mustn't be said at this stage whether it "will be the bedrock for
    > future 1.1 initiatives". That remains to be considered.
    I agree entirely with Stephen (and my apologies that I missed this when 
    reviewing the document myself).  A version 1.0 document should not try to 
    predict what might happen in version 1.1.  Whatever happens will happen, 
    and that will then be documented in the version 1.1 documents.
    Anthony B. Coates
    London Market Systems Limited
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