OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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[ubl] Hotel Cutoff for Upcoming UBL (ASC X12) Meeting is 1/10

  • 1.  [ubl] Hotel Cutoff for Upcoming UBL (ASC X12) Meeting is 1/10

    Posted 01-08-2003 01:20
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    Subject: [ubl] Hotel Cutoff for Upcoming UBL (ASC X12) Meeting is 1/10

    Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 16:43:25 -0500
    To: (Recipient list suppressed)
    From: "Julia O'brien" <jobrien@disa.org>
    Subject: Hotel Cutoff for Upcoming ASC X12 Meeting is 1/10
    Register Today for the ASC X12 Meeting, Feb. 2-7, 2003 in Denver at

    Secure the ASC X12 reduced meeting room rate by calling the Adams Mark Hotel at 800-444-2326 or 303-893-3333 and ask for guest room reservations under the ASC X12 Committee Room Block.

    DRIVE EDI STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT: Take part in ASC X12 and drive EDI standards development in X12 and XML formats. Learn how X12 Subcommittees and the Convergence and Outreach Task Group are cultivating relationships with industry organizations developing XML specifications and establishing improved processes for developing, approving and maintaining today's e-business standards. Your participation is more important than ever! Visit http://www.x12.org/x12org/meetings/x12trimt/index.cfm for the latest X12 meeting information and agenda.

    TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPONSORSHIP & TABLETOP OPPORTUNITIES: Gain visibility for your company and target 600+ prospective buyers by sponsoring the Monday evening reception, or a morning or afternoon special refreshment break, such as coffee, bagels and cookies. Reserve a tabletop literature display and provide your target audience with the e-business solutions they are seeking. The special X12 member rate of $350 gets you five days of company visibility in the heavily trafficked X12 registration area. You can also save $150 if you purchase your tabletop literature space for all three 2003 ASC X12 meetings by Jan. 24. To secure your sponsorship, complete the form at http://www.x12.org/x12org/meetings/x12trimt/Sponsorship_Feb03_form.PDF. To secure your tabletop, complete the form at http://www.x12.org/x12org/meetings/x12trimt/Tabletops_Feb03_form.PDF. For additional information or to tailor a sponsorship especially for your organization, contact Diane Huber at 703-837-6152 or dhuber@disa.org.

    COLLABORATE VIA CO-LOCATED MEETINGS: ASC X12 is pleased to meet in conjunction with the Interactive Financial eXchange (IFX) Forum and the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) Technical Committee. ASC X12 Finance Subcommittee members are working in concert with the IFX Forum to create a common XML payment and remittance message. The OASIS UBL Technical Committee is developing a standard library of XML business documents and designing context-specific business schemas through the application of transformation rules to the common UBL source library.

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