OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  New problem detected with the spreadsheets

    Posted 08-26-2010 23:19
    Hi folks,
    In my continued testing tonight I found another problem with the 
    spreadsheets.  I then modified the model checker and determined there 
    are 24 occurrences of such a problem.
    It turns out there are 24 examples of "Object Class" column values 
    with an extraneous space at the end of the value.  For someone 
    working with the spreadsheet content, this is a problem (as it turned 
    out for me when my HTML reports were inconsistent).
    Some column values are allowed to have extraneous spaces because they 
    are prose values and not significant values:  Examples, Definition, 
    Editor's Notes and Changes from Previous Version ... so I omitted the 
    checking of these values after I saw there were hundreds of them.
    However, looking at all of the other column values the 24 faulty 
    values all happen to be in the Object Class column and not in any other column.
    This is, I believe, a value specification/export issue in eDoCreator 
    and so I have copied that team on this note for them to address in 
    their software.
    Meanwhile, I'm posting this to the TC to make sure we decide if this 
    is a show-stopper or note for PRD1.  It is something that I tripped 
    over in my work, so others might as well ... it is a self-consistency 
    problem (for example, the Associated Object Class value "Certificate" 
    will not point to the object class "Certificate " until the object 
    class is repaired to be the value "Certificate").
    . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    XSLT/XQuery training:   after http://XMLPrague.cz 2011-03-28/04-01
    Vote for your XML training:   http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/i/
    Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/
    G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
    Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/bc
    Legal business disclaimers:  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal

  • 2.  Re: New problem detected with the spreadsheets

    Posted 08-26-2010 23:20
    Sorry, I meant to include the excerpt from the new report ... you can 
    see there are only two object classes affected:  Certificate and 
    Document Status.
    . . . . . . . . Ken
    Values found with extraneous spaces: 24
    "Certificate . Certificate Type Code. Code": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Certificate Type. Text": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Details": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Document Reference": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Identifier": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Issuer_ Party. Party": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Remarks. Text": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    "Certificate . Signature": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    "Document Status . Additional_ Document Response. Document Response": 
    column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Copy_ Indicator. Indicator": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Customization Identifier. Identifier": 
    column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Details": column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Document Response": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Identifier": column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Issue Date. Date": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Issue Time. Time": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Note. Text": column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Profile Execution Identifier. Identifier": 
    column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Profile Identifier. Identifier": 
    column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Receiver_ Party. Party": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Sender_ Party. Party": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . Signature": column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . UBL Version Identifier. Identifier": 
    column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    "Document Status . UUID. Identifier": column=ObjectClass, 
    value="Document Status "
    At 2010-08-26 19:18 -0400, I wrote:
    >Hi folks,
    >In my continued testing tonight I found another problem with the 
    >spreadsheets.  I then modified the model checker and determined 
    >there are 24 occurrences of such a problem.
    >It turns out there are 24 examples of "Object Class" column values 
    >with an extraneous space at the end of the value.  For someone 
    >working with the spreadsheet content, this is a problem (as it 
    >turned out for me when my HTML reports were inconsistent).
    >Some column values are allowed to have extraneous spaces because 
    >they are prose values and not significant values:  Examples, 
    >Definition, Editor's Notes and Changes from Previous Version ... so 
    >I omitted the checking of these values after I saw there were hundreds of them.
    >However, looking at all of the other column values the 24 faulty 
    >values all happen to be in the Object Class column and not in any other column.
    >This is, I believe, a value specification/export issue in eDoCreator 
    >and so I have copied that team on this note for them to address in 
    >their software.
    >Meanwhile, I'm posting this to the TC to make sure we decide if this 
    >is a show-stopper or note for PRD1.  It is something that I tripped 
    >over in my work, so others might as well ... it is a 
    >self-consistency problem (for example, the Associated Object Class 
    >value "Certificate" will not point to the object class "Certificate 
    >" until the object class is repaired to be the value "Certificate").
    >. . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    XSLT/XQuery training:   after http://XMLPrague.cz 2011-03-28/04-01
    Vote for your XML training:   http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/i/
    Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/
    G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
    Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/bc
    Legal business disclaimers:  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal

  • 3.  Re: [ubl] Re: New problem detected with the spreadsheets

    Posted 08-27-2010 00:21
    G. Ken Holman wrote:
    > Meanwhile, I'm posting this to the TC to make sure we decide if
    > this is a show-stopper or note for PRD1.  It is something that
    > I tripped over in my work, so others might as well ... it is a
    > self-consistency problem (for example, the Associated Object
    > Class value "Certificate" will not point to the object class
    > "Certificate " until the object class is repaired to be the
    > value "Certificate").
    I think that repairs of this kind can wait for PRD2.  I'm quite
    sure that we're not done finding things to fix and won't be for
    some time yet.

  • 4.  Re: [ubl] Re: New problem detected with the spreadsheets

    Posted 08-27-2010 09:55
    Dear Ken,
    The redundant whitespace character problem is originated from the 
    initial values entered into spreadsheets that are loaded to eDoCreator.
    Using the edit privileges that are given to the PSC committee, the 
    problem can be fixed through the user interface.
    After login, right click on the related ABIE and click "Edit". In 
    opening window simply remove the
    extraneous space at the end of the object class term text field and 
    click "Save" button.
    This modification will make status of edited item "InPreparation", again 
    after right click
    it is possible to change status as "Committed" by clicking "Commit". 
    After save operation,
    if there is any ABIE having reference to edited ABIE, it will also be 
    If you encounter any problems, we will be glad to help you.
    As an update to tool, we will trim redundant whitespaces from retrieved 
    cell values
    from spreadsheets during import operation. Thanks for reporting.
    Best regards,
    SRDC eDoCreator Team
    G. Ken Holman wrote:
    > Sorry, I meant to include the excerpt from the new report ... you can 
    > see there are only two object classes affected:  Certificate and 
    > Document Status.
    > . . . . . . . . Ken
    > Values found with extraneous spaces: 24
    > "Certificate . Certificate Type Code. Code": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Certificate Type. Text": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Details": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Document Reference": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Identifier": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Issuer_ Party. Party": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Remarks. Text": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    > "Certificate . Signature": column=ObjectClass, value="Certificate "
    > "Document Status . Additional_ Document Response. Document Response": 
    > column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Copy_ Indicator. Indicator": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Customization Identifier. Identifier": 
    > column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Details": column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Document Response": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Identifier": column=ObjectClass, value="Document 
    > Status "
    > "Document Status . Issue Date. Date": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Issue Time. Time": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Note. Text": column=ObjectClass, value="Document 
    > Status "
    > "Document Status . Profile Execution Identifier. Identifier": 
    > column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Profile Identifier. Identifier": 
    > column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Receiver_ Party. Party": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Sender_ Party. Party": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . Signature": column=ObjectClass, value="Document 
    > Status "
    > "Document Status . UBL Version Identifier. Identifier": 
    > column=ObjectClass, value="Document Status "
    > "Document Status . UUID. Identifier": column=ObjectClass, 
    > value="Document Status "
    > At 2010-08-26 19:18 -0400, I wrote:
    >> Hi folks,
    >> In my continued testing tonight I found another problem with the 
    >> spreadsheets.  I then modified the model checker and determined there 
    >> are 24 occurrences of such a problem.
    >> It turns out there are 24 examples of "Object Class" column values 
    >> with an extraneous space at the end of the value.  For someone 
    >> working with the spreadsheet content, this is a problem (as it turned 
    >> out for me when my HTML reports were inconsistent).
    >> Some column values are allowed to have extraneous spaces because they 
    >> are prose values and not significant values:  Examples, Definition, 
    >> Editor's Notes and Changes from Previous Version ... so I omitted the 
    >> checking of these values after I saw there were hundreds of them.
    >> However, looking at all of the other column values the 24 faulty 
    >> values all happen to be in the Object Class column and not in any 
    >> other column.
    >> This is, I believe, a value specification/export issue in eDoCreator 
    >> and so I have copied that team on this note for them to address in 
    >> their software.
    >> Meanwhile, I'm posting this to the TC to make sure we decide if this 
    >> is a show-stopper or note for PRD1.  It is something that I tripped 
    >> over in my work, so others might as well ... it is a self-consistency 
    >> problem (for example, the Associated Object Class value "Certificate" 
    >> will not point to the object class "Certificate " until the object 
    >> class is repaired to be the value "Certificate").
    >> . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    > -- 
    > XSLT/XQuery training:   after http://XMLPrague.cz 2011-03-28/04-01
    > Vote for your XML training:   http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/i/
    > Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/
    > G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
    > Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/bc
    > Legal business disclaimers:  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    > generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php
    PS. Please note the change in the address. Thank you.
    Prof. Dr. Asuman Dogac   http://www.srdc.metu.edu.tr/~asuman/        
    General Manager        
    Software Research, Development and Consultation (SRDC) Ltd.
    ODTU Teknopark, Silikon Bina, Kat 1, No. 14
    Middle East Technical University Campus       
    06531 Ankara Turkey                     
    Phone: +90 (312) 210 1393,
                    210 1763
    Fax: +90 (312) 210 1837
    skype: adogac