Welcome to Kenneth as co-chair from me!
BR. Ole
Fra: <>
PÃ vegne af cÃcile GUASCH
Sendt: 2. april 2019 11:58
Til: G. Ken Holman <>
Cc: Universal Business Language <>; OASIS TC Administration <>
Emne: Re: [ubl] Nomination of Kenneth Bengtsson as UBL Co-chair
Welcome to Kenneth as co-chair!
The good thing is that Kenneth can be read as an extension of Ken. :-)
Le mar. 2 avr. 2019 Ã 02:49, G. Ken Holman < > a Ãcrit :
Fellow UBL TC members,
Please consider before our meeting this week my nomination of Kenneth
Bengtsson as UBL Co-chair.
As I hinted at when earlier this month Kenneth assumed
responsibilities for the teleconferences and paperwork, I now
recognize I can no longer devote the required time and effort for the
entire suite of duties I have taken on in the committee for so long.
I am confident he will make a good co-chair as my own availability
wanes and he will then more easily assume the chair position when I
step down. Already the chair of the OASIS BDXR committee, Kenneth is
very familiar (more so than me!) of the procedures and
responsibilities of an OASIS technical committee chairman.
I look forward to your anticipated endorsement and vote.
Thank you.
. . . . . Ken
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