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further design considerations for 2.0 (prototype '-sdg-2' attached)

  • 1.  further design considerations for 2.0 (prototype '-sdg-2' attached)

    Posted 04-25-2005 13:02
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: further design considerations for 2.0 (prototype '-sdg-2' attached)

    It seems that we still have to prove, with prototype(s),
    a suitable design for the next version (2.0) of UBL
    so I have been trying to prototype a set of possible
    2.0 schemas and prove what design is necessary
    in these to still allow polymorphism in 2.1 and even
    in a theoretical 2.2 minor version.
    The first step, already demonstrated, was to show that
    there are problems introduced with the local declarations
    of IDs and Codes in 1.0, hence the decision to remove
    this design aspect by moving to a 2.0 major version.
    The main problem introduced with these local elements
    was in the fact that the instances for 1.0 would, if a
    minor version used polymorphism with imports of these
    schemas, require a change to the local elements from
    default namespace without prefixes (e.g. in:Invoice/ID)
    to element names with prefixes (e.g. in:Invoice/in:ID) for
    tehm to be valid against the new schemas. This is
    considered to be an undesirable compromise of backwards
    compatibility in one sense of our understanding of it.
    I've tried to test this a bit further by making the change
    to the IDs and Codes and then using the substitutionGroup
    mechanism in subsequent prototypic minor versions
    and I've found that this change may not quite be enough.
    To allow minor version schemas to correctly validate the
    major version instances with only minimal changes (e.g. just
    schema location and the like) to the instances it appears
    (as the attached prototype demonstrates) that we have to
    make two further changes to the document schemas:
    Firstly there are in UBL 1.0 some BBIEs declared in the
    document schemas rather than in the common (CBC)
    schema and these would have to be moved to CBC;
    Secondly there are in UBL 1.0 some ABIEs declared in
    the document schema and these too would have to be
    moved to the common schema (CAC).
    [ the attached file is a zipped file renamed .zzz from .zip ]
    For those not too familiar with the UBL schemas, here
    is an example:
    In the UBL 1.0 Invoice we have:
    <xsd:complexType name="InvoiceType">
          <xsd:element ref="LineItemCountNumeric"
              minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xsd:element ref="AdditionalDocumentReference"
             minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:element name="AdditionalDocumentReference"
    <xsd:complexType name="LineItemCountNumericType">
          <xsd:extension base="udt:NumericType"/>
    and this would, I believe, in 2.0, have to become something like:
    <xsd:complexType name="InvoiceType">
          <xsd:element ref="cbc2-0:LineItemCountNumeric"
               minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xsd:element ref="cac2-0:AdditionalDocumentReference"
              minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    with both the document-specific BBIEs such as LineItemCountNumeric
    moved to the CBC schema module and the
    document-specific ABIEs such as AdditionalDocumentReference
    moved to the CAC schema module.
    As the examples in the prototype ('instances' directory)
    attempt to demonstrate, this allows instances to be
    valid against all major and following minor versions
    when using the substitutionGroup
    polymorphism mechanism for the minor version schemas.
    In producing this prototype I came across a number
    of issues relating to the changes needed for 2.0
    1. Moving two Codes, ReasonCode and IdentificationCode
    to the common module (CBC) there may need
    to be a renaming of the elements since the names are
    far less specific in 1.0 than the datatypes which
    are tied to quite specific codelists (namely
    AllowanceChargeReasonCode and CountryIdentificationCode).
    There is also a general principle here to which we'd
    need to adhere more in modeling with this new design:
    that the more specific the datatype (e.g. a more
    specific codelist), the less generic should be the element
    2. We need to clarify whether an ID element should
    have a complexType named IDType or IdentifierType
    There may be other improvements to such naming
    rules we'd like to make too (some type names seem
    too arbitrary generally).
    3. Does an xxxxCode element have to have a
    complexType name xxxxCodeType or is just CodeType sufficient?
    Is this covered by NDR?
    4. I take it that each code for which we have a codelist
    schema does still have to have a separate complexType
    (such as AllowanceChargeReasonCodeType) declared
    for it in the CBC schema which then extends its
    codelist schema datatype. Is this so? Is there a rule that
    covers it (the rules may not have considered Codes
    with codelists before in the context of the CBC schema
    since the codes were all locally declared).
    5. The NDR and other schema module diagrams will need
    reworking since the patterns of imports will change.
    I hope the attached prototype will help with this.
    6. The 1.0 schemas have many fixed attributes in the
    datatypes (UBLAmount and the schema-defined codelists)
    and these could break the requirements for backwards
    compatibility of minor versions where they might need
    to be changed (e.g. the UBL urls).
    7. If the reasoning about the need to define all of the
    document BIEs in CAC and CBC schema modules are accepted
    this may need to be explicit in the NDR
    8. If polymorphism with the limited substitutionGroup
    mechanism is accepted there would need to be a consideration
    of how to provide for both restriction and extension of the
    same types (e.g. to introduce an intermediate type suitably
    named) - see previous prototype (sdg-1) but this is omitted
    from the attached prototype
    9. There will likely be frequent occasions when a type to
    be extended was not explicitly declared in the previous version
    (if only the types we changed in that version were explicitly
    included, as required for modular rather than blanket revisions).
    This does then require (as in the 2.2 schema of the attached
    prototype - Delivery example) the import of earlier version
    schemas such as the previous major version and with it the
    older namespaces and suitable prefixes. This then means that
    we are likely to need rules to define separate suitably named
    prefixes for each version and these should ideally include
    some indication of the version number (perhaps even for the
    major version). For example, I have used cac2-0, cac2-1, etc.
    10. I do not forsee problems incorporating the ATG2 CCTS
    schemas into the prototype (though I haven't done so here)
    - see previous mail with such a design prototyped. But the
    complexities of the polymorphic versioning may be quite a
    challenge, it seems, to keep it in step with the ATG2 design -
    mainly considering possible namespace aspects (as seen
    in point 9 above). This concerns whether instances with the
    necessary multiple namespaces/prefixes for the UBL design
    instances could be catered for in an ATG2-type set of schemas. 
    Whether instances valid to the ATG2 schemas could have
    the necessary complexity of namespaces to validate against
    corresponding UBL schemas is what seems an increasingly
    challenging prospect as the real details are considered.
    All the best
    Stephen Green


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