OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Patents

    Posted 07-05-2007 16:07
    Anyone have any idea what these two patent submissions may mean to
    UBL and the use of CCTS?
    Betty Harvey                         | Phone: 410-787-9200 FAX: 9830
    Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
    harvey@eccnet.com                    | Washington,DC XML Users Grp
    URL:  http://www.eccnet.com          | http://www.eccnet.com/xmlug

  • 2.  RE: [ubl] Patents

    Posted 07-06-2007 13:42
    I think this is an interesting topic for the next TC telecom. There is quite
    a flurry of emails regarding this topic in UNCEFACT TMG but it is mostly
    concerned with SAP submissions for European patents.