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Subject: Re: FW: [ubl] uDT Spreadsheet for UBL 2.0
| As Chair of the TC, can you please tell me who is responsible for
| creating new content for spreadsheets for 2.0? Peter is a good
| librarian but the librarian position has not involved creating new
| content in the past.
Depends on what you mean by "responsible." Formally, the
Procurement SC is responsible for creating new procurement content
and the whole TC is responsible for approving what the PSC
creates. Functionally, the work gets done by whoever is willing
to step up to it. That is, it's up to the PSC to assign some
person or ad hoc team the task of creating the initial content for
some piece of the data model, but in practice, there usually
aren't multiple sets of volunteers to choose from. The job of a
librarian is to check new or changed content into the set.
Typically, the librarian is not the person who creates content,
but that has as much to do with limited availability as anything
else. So it's really up to the PSC to determine available
resources and then figure out how best to allocate them.
From: "Sylvia Webb" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:46:51 -0700
As Chair of the TC, can you please tell me who is responsible for creating
new content for spreadsheets for 2.0? Peter is a good librarian but the
librarian position has not involved creating new content in the past.
The uDT spreadsheet is one of the critical path artifacts, which is needed,
among others as the basis for the specialized data types