OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  RE: [ubl] Patents

    Posted 07-06-2007 23:12
    Thanks Mark!
    I am forwarding this onto the UBL group.  I have to admit I am a
    bit confused about the whole IPR and patent business.
    > Andy and Betty,
    > As I can't post to the UBL list, you might want to forward this.
    > Re the patent issue in UN/CEFACT, it is important to note that UN/CEFACT
    > has a well thought out IPR policy that fully protects the users of its
    > specifications.  The following email from the TMG chair provides several
    > references that can help interested parties understand those
    > protections.
    >> From: UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Group
    >> [mailto:UNCEFACT-TMG@LISTS.UNECE.ORG] On Behalf Of Stuhec, Gunther
    >> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 10:54 AM
    >> Subject: Re: [UNCEFACT-TMG - 200] IPR Issue
    >> Dear TMG members,
    >> thank you very much for joining the last two call, in where I
    >> did more clarification regarding the situation and IPR. As I
    >> promised, you'll find the detailed information about the
    >> UN/CEFACT IPR Policy at the following links:
    >> The following links give you detailled information regarding
    >> the UN/CEFACT IPR:
    >> 1.) Presentation of the UN/CEFACT IPR Policy that Mark Palmer
    >> shown in front of the UN/CEFACT Plenary in May 2006 --
    >> http://www.unece.org/cefact/cf_plenary/plenary06/trd_cf_06_11e.pdf
    >> Very important are slide 5 - "Waiver Obligation" and slide 6
    >> - "Disclosure Obligation". Please read it carefully
    >> 2.) Executive summary of UN/CEFACT IPR Policy --
    >> http://www.unece.org/cefact/cf_plenary/plenary06/trd_cf_06_11_a1e.pdf
    >> Please consider the chapters  "I. Waiver Obligation of the IPR Poliy"
    >> and "II. Disclosure Obligation of the IPR Policy".
    >> 3.) The complete "UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights
    >> Policy" --
    >> http://www.unece.org/cefact/cf_plenary/plenary06/trd_cf_06_11e.pdf
    >> The main interest of all is to bring the UN/CEFACT standard
    >> and its required methodologies a step ahead and make it
    >> successful. I appreciate it very much to work especially with
    >> you in UN/CEFACT. Thank you very much for all your trust and support.
    >> Kind regards,
    >> 	Gunther
    > Kind Regards,
    > Mark