OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: [ubl] Schema edit test

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Schema edit test

    Posted 04-16-2004 23:49
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ubl message

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Schema edit test

    | Perhaps use the words 'annotated' and 'nonannotated' (or something
    | similar) rather than 'stripped', since 'stripped' gives no
    | indication of what has been stripped?  Even if it's documented
    | somewhere, lots of folks either won't read or notice the
    | documentation before wanting to look at the schemas.
    I'm trying as hard as possible to keep URNs on one line and have
    therefore adopted a convention that limits the directory names to
    eight chars max.  The names "annotated" and "nonannotated" (1) are
    too long and (2) don't convey the fact that the former are the
    real thing (the normative versions) and the latter are just there
    for convenience.  Only the versions with the embedded
    documentation can truly be considered normative.  I think that
    "complete" conveys both aspects nicely within the length limit.

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