OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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SBS Columns in spreadsheets (UBL 2 wd)

  • 1.  SBS Columns in spreadsheets (UBL 2 wd)

    Posted 01-05-2006 18:14
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: SBS Columns in spreadsheets (UBL 2 wd)

    UBL 2 wd SBS draft (defining examples attached) 
    Folks, I've just finished an intial set of subsets
    for the SBS for wd-UBL-2 and although this hasn't
    had internal review it might be that it could be
    added to the UBL 2 review spreadsheets (which 
    have an SBS column). However there may not 
    be time to actually populate the spreadsheet
    columns (see Chee-Kai's comment on this) and
    so I'd suggest that, if at all possible, someone
    might hide those columns or delete the content
    for this review and I could perhaps work on them
    in New York for the informative cycle.
    To populate the columns would take up to a week
    at a push but I'll also be needing to finish the UBL
    1 SBS package so I might not have time, even if the
    timescale were realistic.
    All the best


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