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SV: [ubl] Problem with Brussels meeting dates

  • 1.  SV: [ubl] Problem with Brussels meeting dates

    Posted 02-09-2006 16:50
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: SV: [ubl] Problem with Brussels meeting dates

    It is really bad to mess up our schedule. I vote for Tuesday-Friday 2-5 May.
    This period also has the advantage of not beeing next to XTECH. I checked
    with Peters calender. He also seems to be free for this period.
    - Mikkel
    > -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
    > Fra: jon.bosak@sun.com [mailto:jon.bosak@sun.com]
    > Sendt: 9. februar 2006 16:12
    > Til: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
    > Emne: Re: [ubl] Problem with Brussels meeting dates
    > OK, here's the situation.
    >  - In yesterday's Atlantic TC call, we decided on the week of
    >    22-26 May 2006 for the UBL TC meeting at CEN/CENELEC
    >    headquarters in Brussels.
    >  - Today I've been informed that those offices are closed Thursday
    >    25 May.
    >  - Here are our options:
    >     - Hold the meeting the week of 22 May and take Thursday off.
    >     - Hold the meeting the week of 29 May.
    >     - Hold the meeting Tuesday-Friday 2-5 May.  We won't have the
    >       same rooms for the entire four days, but we will have rooms.
    > My opinion (and remember, I won't be there) is that pushing the
    > meeting out to the week of 29 May will really mess up our
    > schedule, so I'm against that option.  Whether it's better to work
    > the four days 2-5 May or the four days 22-24 and 26 May is up to
    > the members planning to attend.
    > The scheduling implication (please see the schedule I sent
    > yesterday) is that a meeting earlier in the month will do more
    > actual comment resolution, whereas one later in the month will
    > probably be focused more on formal comment disposition.
    > Members planning to attend the meeting: Please send mail to this
    > list indicating your preference.
    > Jon
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