OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Code list discussion so far

  • 1.  Code list discussion so far

    Posted 08-10-2005 20:49
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Code list discussion so far

    Hello UBL TC,
    We held the first of two discussions to resolve the code list
    issue this morning; the second of the two will take place Thursday
    afternoon (1 p.m. in Ottawa).  Preliminary outcomes are as
     - There are serious use cases that require modifications to code
       lists in the interval between official revisions of code lists.
       This is especially true in the case of industry-specific code
     - Solutions that require the namespaces in the UBL schemas to be
       changed when a code list is modified are very expensive.
     - There appear to be three ways to accomplish modifications to
       UBL schemas without changing the namespaces:
       1. Users simply modify the file containing the code list while
          leaving everything else alone.  This method is being used
          successfully in Denmark.  Obviously we cannot prevent users
          from doing this, and given a proper notification procedure,
          it seems to work pretty well.
       2. We explicitly enable modifications to the code lists by
          embedding a "substitution group hook" in the UBL schemas as
          described by Tony Coates and Marty Burns.  While cleaner
          from a conceptual point of view, we're finding it difficult
          to see any big advantage of this approach over simply
          swapping out one code list module and replacing it with
          another one.  The basic notification and management issues
          appear to be about the same.
       3. We take a radically different view of the problem by
          distinguishing between two kinds of code lists:
          a. Code lists that define codes used only in UBL (status
             codes, for example).  Such lists are typically
             well-defined, are completely under our control, and are
             not (or should not be) extensible.
          b. Code lists that are defined by outside agencies and
             referenced in UBL.  These are conceptually distinct from
             the first category even if some happen to be bundled into
             the UBL package.
          Making this distinction would allow us to take two different
          approaches to code list definition.  Code lists of the first
          kind could be defined in schema modules using enumerations
          just as we do in 1.0.  Code lists of the second kind could
          be defined in XML instances of a standard code list schema,
          with the codes of this kind declared as unrestricted
          strings.  Ordinary XSD validation would be used for the
          first kind of code list, just as in 1.0, whereas validation
          of the second kind would typically take place in a second
          validation phase using something like Schematron.
          Participants in the discussion noted the following points
          regarding this third alternative:
           - Publishing standard code lists as instances of a standard
             code list schema is much closer to the basic XML concept
             than publishing code lists as schema fragments.  In fact,
             the whole namespace problem we've been wrestling with
             here can be seen as an artifact of the attempt to use
             things that should change very rarely (schemas) to
             publish things that people often want to modify (code
             lists).  One result of this has been that instead of
             recommending a standard for code lists using a standard
             formalism (such as an XSD schema) we have been
             recommending a template for code list schemas for which
             there is no standard formalism, just a complex set of
             prose descriptions supplemented by examples.  The code
             list paper published in UBL 1.0 admits it to be
             "desirable that the [code list] data model be expressed
             in a machine readable form" but can do no more than to
             place this desirable development in some distant future
             where a formalism exists for doing so.  The definition of
             a standard XML schema for code lists would solve this
             simply by putting such a definition at the appropriate
             conceptual level.
           - Defining codes as unrestricted strings would obviously
             make it trivially easy to meet all the requirements for
             ad hoc code list modification.  The tradeoff would be
             that the code lists themselves could no longer be used to
             directly drive XSD validation.  It is unlikely, however,
             that any major user of the UBL schemas would be satisfied
             with just a simple check against an enumeration before
             entering the document into an accounting application; it
             is much more likely that something like a Schematron
             check would be performed following simple XSD validation.
             This is in fact what is done in the Danish
             implementations, and it more closely reflects an initial
             premise of the UBL code list effort that most code list
             validation would take place at the application level
             (report of the NDRSC, 18 March 2002).
           - Post-schema validation appears to be less problematic
             than what we're hearing from initiatives that are
             attempting to use substitution groups.  We believe it to
             be significant that this is the approach adopted for ISO
             20022 (banking).
           - We could provide a mechanism (an XSLT transformation, for
             example) that would take *any* code list published using
             the standard code list schemas and generate code list
             schema modules just like the ones we've included in UBL
             1.0.  (The XSLT would, in effect, provide the missing
             formalism needed to specify the construction of the
             schema modules in a machine-readable way.)  In fact, we
             could provide the modules so generated as part of the
             release package together with instructions for validating
             instances against these generated modules in a second XSD
             pass, thus providing all of the advantages of validation
             against enumerations while still allowing easy
             modification of code lists.
           - In a separate decision, the TC decided this morning to
             accept the UDT and CCT schema modules defined by
             UN/CEFACT ATG2 rather than defining and maintaining our
             own.  Those schema modules reference a few standard code
             lists (currencies, language codes, units of measure, mime
             media types) that would retain the old enumeration form.
             As most real-world situations requiring code list
             modification are encountered not with these very basic
             standard lists but with industry-defined code lists, this
             is not considered a problem.
           - Mark Crawford wished to be put on record as having
             reservations about this approach for two reasons:
             1. The desirability of maintaining XSD validation of
                codes, and
             2. The wish to maintain alignment with ATG2, which
                intends to specify all code lists as schema modules.
                It is recognized, however, that ATG2 does not have
                customization as a goal, whereas we do (though to what
                extent still remains to be determined).
           - To make this approach practical for users, it will be
             necessary to provide documentation showing users how to
             implement a post-schema code list validation phase using
             Schematron.  Bryan Rasmussen has volunteered to create
             this if his management will approve the work.
    Everyone interested in this subject should be prepared to
    participate in tomorrow's follow-up discussion (1 p.m. Ottawa time
    Thursday 11 August at the usual UBL conference number).

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