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Subject: Re: [ubl] Minor update of DT spreadsheets
Sorry Tim
I realised I'd probably missed a step just after I sent the email.
I'll get onto it ASAP
All the best
>>> Tim McGrath <> 03/11/05 00:40:29 >>>
think we crossed our wires here.
a few days ago i sent the updated QDT (SDT) spreadsheet for you to look
at and comment. This addresses many of the concerns you raise so
perhaps you could look at this version (and apply your latest edits)
before we go any further.
i am attaching it again but also check the message at:
Stephen Green wrote:
>I just made some cosmetic changes to the DT
>spreadsheets (attached) - sorted out the formats.
>I notice Sylvia/Gefeg deleted the SDT 'prefix' values.
>Whilst I accept that these are not part of CCTS,
>don't we still need these to be part of the UBL
>DT spreadsheets? Likewise I'd note that the
>SDT 'values' need to be added back once decided.
>All the best
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tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228
postal: po box 1289 fremantle western australia 6160
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