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Japanese translation spreadsheets and questions and recommendation

  • 1.  Japanese translation spreadsheets and questions and recommendation

    Posted 06-29-2004 02:50
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Japanese translation spreadsheets and questions and recommendation

    JPLSC made the following Japanese translation spreadsheets.
    These translation spreadsheets are originally made by 5 members of JPLSC.
    And these spreadsheet are reviewed in JPLSC. Then we did some improvement
    about Japanese translation spreadsheets.
    - Order
    - OrderResponse
    - OrderResponseSimple
    - OrderChange
    - OrderCancelleation
    - DespatchAdvice
    - ReceiptAdvice
    - Reusable
    If you have any questions or comments regarding these Japanese translation
    spreadsheets, Please let us know.
    The followings are questions and recommendations.
    1. Usage of some ABIEs in Reusable (Question)
    The following ABIEs in Reusable are not referred any other place in UBL
    business documents or Reusable.
    - LineReference
    - ExchangeRate
    What is the usage of these ABIEs?
    Are these some mistaken or something?
    2. Some questions and recommendation regarding Reusable
    2.1 The meaning of PackQuantity and PackSizeNumeric in Item
    We cannot understand the meaning of PackQuantity (BBIE) and PackSizeNumeric
    (BBIE) in Item (ABIE).
    We think that the number of ordering items are defined by Quantity (BBIE) in
    LineItem (ABIE).
    What kind of usage would be supposed regarding PackQuantity (BBIE) and
    PackSizeNumeric (BBIE) in Item (ABIE)?
    We studied both examples of Purchase order sheet
    (JoineryOrder.Example-a4.pdf) and XML instance document
    (UBL-Order-1.0-Joinery-Example.xml). In these examples, the number of
    purchasing goods are defined by Quantity (BBIE) in LineItem (ABIE). There is
    no information about the PackQuantity (BBIE) and PackSizeNumeric (BBIE) in
    Item (ABIE) in these examples. Therefore, we cannot understand how to use
    the PackQuantity (BBIE) and PackSizeNumeric (BBIE) in Item (ABIE).
    2.2 The definition of BuyerParty
    The definition of BuyerParty (ABIE) says 'details of an individual, a group
    or a body having a role in a business function'.
    There is no information about the role in a business function in this
    We recommend to change the definition to 'details of an individual, a group
    or a body having a buying role in a business function'.
    2.3 The definition of SellerParty
    The definition of SellerParty (ABIE) says 'details of an individual, a group
    or a body having a role in a business function'.
    There is no information about the role in a business function in this
    We recommend to change the definition to 'details of an individual, a group
    or a body having a selling role in a business function'.
    3. Recommending next action
    We made effort to understand very many ABIEs in Reusable.
    We made efforts to understand where these ABIEs are referred from (e.g. from
    Reusable or from specific 8 UBL business documents).
    We recommend that we had better insert a column in the spreadsheet that
    explain where the ABIE is referred from.  This information will help for
    users to understand the structure of UBL Reusable and the usage of ABIEs.
    Best Regards,
    Yukinori Saito
    Yukinori Saito
    Fuji Electric Information Service Co., Ltd. (FIS)
    e-mail: saito-yukinori@fujielectric.co.jp
    Tel: +81-3-5435-7333     Fax: +81-3-5435-7513









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