OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Subject: Use of UBL by the National Danish IT and Telecom Agency

  • 1.  Subject: Use of UBL by the National Danish IT and Telecom Agency

    Posted 09-14-2004 19:33
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    Subject: Subject: Use of UBL by the National Danish IT and Telecom Agency

    I, Mikkel Hippe Brun, certify that the National Danish IT and Telecom Agency
    is successfully using the OASIS UBL specification consistently with the
    OASIS IPR Policy.
    Mikkel Hippe Brun 
    Chief Consultant, M.Sc.
    Phone: +45 3337 9220
    Cell: +45 2567 4252
    E-mail: mhb@itst.dk
    National IT and Telecom Agency
    Office of IT Strategy
    Holsteinsgade 63
    DK-2100 Copenhagen �
    Phone: +45  3545 0000
    Fax: +45 3545 0010

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