OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Tentative Montreal morning phone call schedule

  • 1.  Tentative Montreal morning phone call schedule

    Posted 08-05-2010 15:57
    Hello UBL TC,
    Here's the beginning of next week's call schedule, for discussion
    in the Monday opening plenary.  We will at a minimum need to
    discuss on Monday the phone arrangements for the TSC track so that
    we have dial-in instructions for the TSC participants beginning
    Tuesday morning.  All morning call start times are 09:15 a.m. in
        Monday morning:
           Opening plenary
        Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings:
           These two parallel sessions:
              Editorial work (using the main TC call bridge)
              TSC review (using a bridge to be arranged)
        Friday morning:
           Closing plenary
    The assumed model is one in which people in Montreal will work in
    the afternoons and send stuff out to participants in Europe and
    Australia for review overnight.
    Note that one or both of the morning working tracks may end
    earlier in the week if their work is finished, and that in
    general, calls will be canceled if they're not necessary.
    In addition to the work sessions, we have the following
    informative reviews on the agenda:
        Review naming conventions
        Tutorial on BIEs and their relationships
    We will need to decide Monday whether to hold these sessions in
    the afternoon or try to work them into morning slots.  It would
    help in determining this to know who among our remote members
    is interested in participating.