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Re: UBP 2.0 (candidate committee draft / prd nearing completion)

  • 1.  Re: UBP 2.0 (candidate committee draft / prd nearing completion)

    Posted 03-06-2006 11:45
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: UBP 2.0 (candidate committee draft / prd nearing completion)

    Re: UBP 2.0 (candidate committee draft / prd nearing completion)
    Just to add that there is a draft package of all but the last two (planned)
    building block ebBP process artifacts available for TC perusal at
    My intention is to add a building block 'Notification' process definition
    for the one UBL document I hadn't covered (I think) which is the
    AttachedDocument (now that I understand it better - thanks Peter).
    Then I hope we will have a complete package sometime this week,
    once Sacha has generated ebCPA usable sample templates. Thanks Sacha.
    The index (almost complete) and some of the package can be seen
    in an archived email at
    All the best
    On 04/03/06, jon.bosak@sun.com <jon.bosak@sun.com> wrote:
    > [stephengreenubl@gmail.com:]
    > | Please may we put the process on hold for two of the packages
    > | - the UBL 1.0 SBS and the UBP 2.0
    > OK.  I'm now assuming that there are no procedural actions
    > regarding SBSC deliverables at the moment and that you will inform
    > me when you need me to step in.
    > | Regarding the Universal Business Process for UBL 2.0, I have found
    > | it possible to include processes for almost all of the UBL
    > | document types, including the Transport and the Catalogue
    > | documents besides the other extended Procurement documents.
    > Am I correct in concluding from the above that there is now just
    > one deliverable named UBP 2 instead of two deliverables named UBP
    > 2 Procurement and UBP 2 Transport?
    > Jon
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