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Subject: Addition of a Reminder Message to the UBL 2.0 message suite
A point was raised by Peter Borresen at the TC meeting yesterday.
Denmark requests the addition of a new message in the accounting cycle to be
named the Reminder Message. This message sent from Creditor (Supplier) to
Debtor (Customer) to a) remind the latter that an Invoice has not been paid
and b) to charge interest on the late payment in accordance with European
Late Payment legislation.
The Remider Message is a tax document. Athough the tax associated with the
original consideration is not repeated in the message, tax applicable to the
late payment charge is referred to, even though is is likely that the tax
category will be 'zero-rated' or 'out of scope'.
The addition of this new message was posted to the Issues List; its impact
is likely to be limited to the addition of an extra 'Reminder Line' element.
In line with the minutes of the Atlantic call on 26th of April, the new
message requires the approval of the full TC.
A decision is to be reached on the Atlantic call on Wednesday 7th June.
Regards, Mark
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