Dear Colleagues: UBL v2.1 has been formally submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 under the PAS process as a candidate International Standard. JTC 1's Secretariat has acknowledged receipt, and we will advise you when we're informed that the ballot opens. Lately the process has been conducted with a 3-month ballot, formally opened after a 2-month translation period (bearing in mind the number and diversity of national delegations who are balloted). The package transmitted to the voting National Bodies includes the full set of components of the standard itself, as well as some supporting material, particularly an Explanatory Report which serves as a sort of introduction and transmittal. The entire ZIP package is voluminous, and we'll arrange for its uploading to the TC's repository; for convenience, I have attached its manifest (read-me.txt) here, as well as the final form of the Explanatory Report itself. Let me express our thanks to TC chairs Ken Holman and Tim McGrath for careful, thoughtful and detailed assistance to us in preparing the submission package; and of course our congratulations and gratitude to all of you for the member expert work that went into this standard. We will advise our liaison partners and interested public agencies of the submission, but generally only make large-scale announcements of PAS submissions after the balloting is completed. Anyone with questions about those matters should feel free to contact either me or my colleague Carol Geyer. Best regards, Jamie James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society READ ME file for OASIS PAS submission of UBL v2.1 to JTC 1 Contents of zip file: "": 0. This file: read-me.txt 1. Submission Explanatory Report: Explanatory-Report-OASIS-submission-UBL-2_1.pdf Explanatory-Report-OASIS-submission-UBL-2_1.odt 2. UBL v2.1 Specification (base document only, see references below): UBL-2.1.pdf UBL-2.1.html UBL-2.1.xml 3. Associated information and notices OASIS-UBL-2_1-Statements-of-Use.pdf RER-XAdES-UBL.pdf PLEASE NOTE: The UBL base documents in this package, above, may be sufficient for most review purposes. However, the entire UBL v2.1 specification, plus supporting documents and schema, is submitted as the draft International Standard for JTC 1 transposition. The composite files exceed 55 megabytes, and as a compessed (ZIP-ped) package will exceed the attachment size of some e-mail systems. Persons wishing to install the entire specification and schema for examination or use should obtain a copy of the compound file: "" from this web location: Those files are an integral component of this PAS submission. The unzipped package contains many files. Once unpacked, the contents reference each other, and so rely on a number of relative file directory positions. Therefore, the editors suggest that a user un-zip the ZIP package into a newly-created empty subdirectory, for ease of use. END Attachment: Explanatory-Report-OASIS-submission-UBL-2_1.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text Attachment: Explanatory-Report-OASIS-submission-UBL-2_1.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document