OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: [ubl] Code list discussion so far

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Code list discussion so far

    Posted 08-11-2005 21:20
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Code list discussion so far

    Hello UBL TC,
    As previously announced, we held a meeting this afternoon in
    Ottawa to follow up on Wednesday's discussion of code lists.  Here
    are the high points.
     - We were greatly encouraged to learn that other major XML
       standardization efforts -- ACORD, MDDL, fpML, ISO 20022 -- have
       independently come to conclusions not unlike the ones we're
       coming to.
     - We agreed (in quorum!) to proceed with a quick implementation
       of the strategy outlined in the report of the Wednesday
       meeting, using NMTOKEN declarations for the class 2 codes in
       the UBL 2.0 schemas.  Tasks were identified and assigned as
       follows (in order of execution):
       1a. Anne Hendry categorizes all of the UBL 1.0 code lists ASAP
           into class 1 (specified using schemas) and class 2
           (specified using instances) as follows:
           - Divide all the UBL 1.0 CLs into
             a. Internal (e.g., status codes)
             b. ATG2-defined
             c. All others
           - Put a & b into class 1 CLs (to be specified with schemas)
           - Put c into class 2 CLs (to be specified with standard
       1b. In parallel, the TC designs a standard schema for class 2
           code lists
           - Tony Coates forwards a pointer to his previous proposal
             for a code list schema ASAP
           - The TC discusses this in email and aims to wrap up the
             design in meetings the week of 22 August
       2. The TC transmits the final CL schema to David Kruppke for
          use in generating the class 2 UBL instances
       3. David generates the class 2 UBL instances
       4. David changes the class 2 code declarations to NMTOKEN
       5a. We develop a methodology for a second-pass Schematron check
           of class 2 CLs
           - Ken and Tony produce XSLT to generate Schematron
             assertions from class 2 CL instances
           - Bryan Rasmussen writes up a how-to for performing the
             Schematron validation
       5b. We develop an alternative methodology for a second-pass XSD
           check of class 2 code lists
           - Ken and Tony produce XSLT to generate CL schemas from
             class 2 CL instances
           - Ken and Tony develop and document a methodology for XSD
             validation against the generated class 2 CL schemas (an
             initial thought: importing fragments (apply existing UBL
             schemas using redefine to restore CL validation))
       6. We revise the CL spec for UBL 2.0, including a description
          of the various approaches to class 2 CL validation
          (Schematron, second XSD pass, put codes in an application
    Packaging questions that will remain to be answered:
     - Which class 2 instances do we bundle with the release?  (The
       ones in 1.0 plus any others?)
     - Where in the release do we package the class 2 CL instances?

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