Fellow UBL TC members, Please find here the first working draft of the new Committee Note that we discussed in Wednesday's meeting would be needed:
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59747 In the same way that we have two committee notes for UBL 2.1 in ASN.1 and in UML, this third committee note is just UBL 2.1 cast as JSON according to the work in progress of the Business Document Naming and Design Rules Version 1.1. Because UBL 2.1 isn't about to change, once we finalize BDNDR 1.1 we can finalize this note, even if we are not finished with UBL 2.2. It also means that current implementers of UBL 2.1 in XML have a complete package to work with in JSON in order to give the committee their feedback. At our next meeting I would like to vote on putting out BDNDR 1.1 csd01wd01 as csprd01 for a public review, and to vote on finalizing cnd01wd01 as cn01 (a public review is unnecessary for a committee note, we can just accept it in committee) as an implementation of BDNDR 1.1 csd01wd01 for people to work with. That way it isn't just the abstract concept of NDR for JSON but also an actual implementation. Here is the BDNDR 1.1 that we would be voting on:
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59735 Please try to make the time to review these documents. I know everyone is busy, but I've pulled everything together for us to get this off our plates and into developers' hands to work with while we do other things. Thanks! . . . . . . . . Ken -- Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources Streaming hands-on XSLT/XPath 2 training @US$45:
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