OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Establishing the Korean Localization Subcommittee (KRLSC)

  • 1.  Establishing the Korean Localization Subcommittee (KRLSC)

    Posted 12-16-2003 19:56
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    Subject: Establishing the Korean Localization Subcommittee (KRLSC)

    UBL members,
    Last month we established a UBL Japanese Localization Subcommittee
    (JPLSC) and a UBL Chinese Localization Subcommittee (CNLSC). I am
    pleased to tell you that we are now in a position to establish a
    UBL Korean Localization Subcommittee (KRLSC).
    A generic charter for UBL localization subcommittees can be found
    The resolution creating the Korean Localization SC is given below.
    If you have no objection to its adoption, do nothing.  If you are
    a voting member of the UBL TC and you object to the adoption of
    this resolution, please register that objection with mail to the
    list ubl@lists.oasis-open.org no later than COB 23 December 2003.
    Additional members are actively solicited for this work and will
    be added following our usual rules for technical subcommittees.
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC
    1. That a UBL Korean Localization Subcommittee (KRLSC) be
       created with the purpose, deliverables, and mode of operation
       specified in the UBL Rules for the Conduct of Localization
    2. That the target language of the KRLSC shall be Korean.
    3. That the co-chairs of the KRLSC shall be Sung-Hyuk Kim of
       Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul and Jason Lee, manager of
       the Department of E-commerce Support in the Korea CALS/EC

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