On 4/14/21 6:36 AM, Daniel Minder wrote: Bob, please note that there are 6 identifiers defined in the IKE section that do NOT appear in the header file: : CKR_KEY_RANGE_ERROR, CK_IKE1_EXTENDED_DERIVE_PARAMS, CK_IKE1_EXTENDED_DERIVE_PARAMS_PTR, CK_IKE1_PRF_DERIVE_PARAMS_PTR, CK_IKE2_PRF_PLUS_DERIVE_PARAMS_PTR, CK_IKE_PRF_DERIVE_PARAMS_PTR. See my private mail of March 31st. There are more missing identifiers in other Moreover, the new error code CKR_KEY_RANGE_ERROR should be added to section 5.1.6. Or different error codes should be returned! In fact, reading sections 6.64.3 to 6.64.6 we could return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID and CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE. The actual error should be CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE it was a typo in the original proposal (I didn't intend to create a new error type. bob Daniel ________________________________ Utimaco IS GmbH Germanusstr. 4, D.52080 Aachen, Germany, Tel: +49-241-1696-0,
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