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  • 1.  Update to mechanisms analysis

    Posted 10-02-2019 23:57
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    Folks, Here's an updated version of the mechanisms & header file analysis items. Amended following detailed updates from Dieter. Cheers, -Tony Cox Attachment: PKCS11 mechnisms review-v3.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document


  • 2.  RE: [pkcs11] Update to mechanisms analysis

    Posted 10-08-2019 16:29
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    Hi Tony, all, searching for some specific details in the PKCS#11 base specification, I noticed another mismatch in Base specification 3.00 (and probably many previous versions). I have added this mismatch as item #24 in the review document. Please see version of the review document attached. I have fixed that issue in a working draft of the Base specification, and therefore marked #24 as completed. As this issue affects only the description of return value CKR_NO_EVENT, but the function description for C_WaitForSlotEvent corresponds to the header files, I consider this a non-material change. Any (other) opinion? Best regards, Dieter
