Hi Tony, all, searching for some specific details in the PKCS#11 base specification, I noticed another mismatch in Base specification 3.00 (and probably many previous versions). I have added this mismatch as item #24 in the review document. Please see version of the review document attached. I have fixed that issue in a working draft of the Base specification, and therefore marked #24 as completed. As this issue affects only the description of return value CKR_NO_EVENT, but the function description for C_WaitForSlotEvent corresponds to the header files, I consider this a non-material change. Any (other) opinion? Best regards, Dieter
Original Message----- From: pkcs11@lists.oasis-open.org <pkcs11@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Tony Cox Sent: Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2019 01:57 To: pkcs11@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [pkcs11] Update to mechanisms analysis Folks, Here's an updated version of the mechanisms & header file analysis items. Amended following detailed updates from Dieter. Cheers, -Tony Cox ________________________________ Utimaco IS GmbH Germanusstr. 4, D.52080 Aachen, Germany, Tel: +49-241-1696-0, www.utimaco.com Seat: Aachen Registergericht Aachen HRB 18922 VAT ID No.: DE 815 496 496 Managementboard: Stefan Auerbach (Chairman) CEO, Malte Pollmann CSO, Dr. Frank J. Nellissen CFO This communication is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, interference with, disclosure or copying of this material is unauthorised and prohibited. Please inform us immediately and destroy the email. Attachment: PKCS11 mechnisms review-v4.docx Description: PKCS11 mechnisms review-v4.docx