Hi Kelly, On Fri, Dec 22, 2023, at 18:34, Stefan Hagen wrote: Hi Kelly, On Fri, Dec 22, 2023, at 16:53, Kelly Cullinane wrote: Dear TC Members: The repo has been established here:
https://github.com/oasis-tcs/mqtt Thank you, Kelly On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 2:42 AM Stefan Hagen <
stefan@hagen.link> wrote: Dear members, On Fri, Dec 22, 2023, at 08:27, Stefan Hagen wrote: Dear members, On Fri, Dec 15, 2023, at 14:59, Simon Johnson wrote: Haha, quite right. Thanks Stefan. Seconded (again). S On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 1:45 PM Stefan Hagen <
stefan@hagen.link> wrote: Just noticed that Simon seconded only to my address, forwarding below to make the seconding known ;-) Thanks and cheers, Stefan.
Original message ----- From: Simon Johnson < simon.johnson@hivemq.com > To: Stefan Hagen < stefan@hagen.link > Subject: Re: [mqtt-sn] Motion to request a TC GitHub repository at https://github.com/oasis-tcs/mqtt Date: Friday, December 15, 2023 10:28 Seconded. Thanks, Simon. On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 10:07 PM Stefan Hagen <stefan@hagen.link> wrote: Dear TC members, I hereby submit the following motion and request that if seconded and either no objection received per this list before one week has passed on 2023-12-22 00:00:00 UTC to automatically carry or be seconded and approved during the next TC meeting, whichever occurs first. Note: For seconding this motion it is sufficient to reply to this message on the TC list and add the word second or seconded . The TC or subcommittee officers usually state the result per mail to this list when the period has passed. I, Stefan Hagen, hereby move that the TC requests from OASIS administration the creation of the Github repository https://github.com/oasis-tcs/mqtt for OASIS TC members chartered work. I further move, that the initial maintainers shall be the chair and co-chairs of MQTT TC and MQTT-SN subcommittee, as well as the additional co-editors of the MQTT-SN workproducts Davide Lenzarini and Stefan Hagen. When this motion carries, a TC member will submit the relevant form at https://www.oasis-open.org/project-administration-support-requests/form-request-a-tc-github-version-control-instance-be-created/ such that OASIS administration can create the repository and enable the maintainers access. PS: We can always add or change maintainers later easily per email to the TC administration. I will submit additional information to support swift creation in case the motion carries in a subsequent email to this list. With that I will provide my suggestions on what to enter into the fields of the form. Cheers, Stefan. [...] The motion to create a git reposotoey for MQTT chartered work has been seconded and the week stated as duration has passed withoutreceiving furrher comments or objections. I thus comclude the motion carries with unanimous consent and will request the reposotoey per the request form. Chhers, Stefan. [...] The admin tracking ticket for the creation is: https://issues.oasis-open.org/plugins/servlet/mobile#issue/TCADMIN-4460 Happy holidays to everyone! Cheers, Stefan. [...] Thanks a lot, Kelly. I verofied that I can maintain the reposotory. Propose to close the JIRA ticket as rwsolved. Happy holidays! Cheers, Stefan. [...] please kindly add the other maintainers. I commented on the (closed) admin ticket, and as I cannot re-open that one I repeat the data here: please re-open the ticket (no need to do here) as the other maintainers were not created / enabled on GitHub. Currently I am the only one I can add as reviewer or that can merge pull requests. Thanks. Maintainer(s): - [TBD] Richard Coppen, coppen@uk.ibm.com, IBM, rcoppen - [TBD] Ian Craggs, icraggs@gmail.com, individual, crags - [TBD] Simon Johnson, simon.johnson@hivemq.com, HiveMQ GmbH, simon622 - [TBD] Davide Lenzarini, davide.lenzarini@u-blox.com, u-blox AG, lenzarda - [DONE] Stefan Hagen, stefan@hagen.link, Individual, sthagen Thanks a lot. Cheers, Stefan. --- Stefan Hagen, Emmetten, Nidwalden, Switzerland. read: https://stefan-hagen.website write: stefan@hagen.link