If you are bcc'ed on this message, you were listed on the OASIS MQTT TC roster as either a Member or Observer, active or inactive. As part of the rechartering process, you were removed from the roster earlier today. The TC charter has been updated with the approved revised charter and you may now rejoin the TC. PLEASE NOTE that you must rejoin in order to participate. Previous memberships are not carried over in a recharter. IF YOU CANNOT ACCESS the TC home page to rejoin and you wish to be added to the roster, please have your primary representative email me at
chet.ensign@oasis-open.org . At your primary rep's direction, I will add you to the charter. To rejoin the TC, go to the TC home page at
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/mqtt/ and click 'join group' under Roster. Choose Member or Observer as your role and click 'submit.' If you are joining as a Member and you work for an organizational member organization, your primary representative will need to approve your application to join. Please let me know if you have any questions. -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393