OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F

  • 1.  RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F

    Posted 04-30-2002 13:52
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    Subject: RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F

    Are you saying that the value of a Handle must be processed in a case
    insensitive manner? If so, why? Conceptually I view a handle as an opaque
    remote reference. If a Consumer modifies it in any manner (such as changing
    the case), I would view that as a security violation that should cause the
    Producer to refuse access to the referenced item.
                          "Vadhri, Srinivas"                                                                              
                          <Srinivas.Vadhri@comme        To:       Charles F Wiecha/Cambridge/IBM@IBMUS,                   
                          rceone.com>                    wsia@lists.oasis-open.org                                        
                          04/30/2002 12:22 PM           Subject:  RE: [wsia] Marked up requirements doc from F2F          
    I dont know if we had a requirement on case insensitiveness (Upper and
    Lower) of the web services applications? If not, I think we should have one
    under the General Requirements. For e.g., if we are using the information
    the Handle, the Consumer or Producer application should process the
    information in a case in-sensitive manner.
    Srinivas Vadhri