OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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[wsrp][wsia] Draft spec v0.85

  • 1.  [wsrp][wsia] Draft spec v0.85

    Posted 11-22-2002 23:16
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsrp][wsia] Draft spec v0.85

    Here is the draft reflecting the decisions from the recent F2F:
    (See attached file: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification v0.85.doc)
    Here are the current versions of the WSDl files ... the Axis tools will not
    process this unless upgraded to the latest set of bug fixes. The WSDL group
    continues to work on making this something all the tools can process and
    produce/receive messages from each other.
    (See attached file: WSRP_v1_Interfaces.wsdl)(See attached file:
    WSRP_v1_Binding.wsdl)(See attached file: WSRP_Service.wsdl)
    In pulling this together I have worked through clarifying a number of areas
    people questioned, including sections 8.3 & 8.4 discussing interoperability
    of roles. It currently discusses how Producers and Consumers making
    different choices about supporting this option. The one area this has left
    me with big concerns is when both choose to support roles. I don't see any
    clearly definable semantics whereby Consumer maps its roles to the Producer
    published roles. To keep it simple, I would like to consider the scenario
       The Consumer only supports the spec defined roles of Administrator, User
       and Guest
       The Producer declares the roles Admin, Buyer and Seller
    A reasonable administrator at the Consumer will probably map the
    Administrator role to the Producer's Admin role, but clearly the
    granularity of the Producer's roles does not match the granularity of the
    Consumer's roles. There is no reasonable mapping available to be made.
    Reflecting on this further, the whole schema of role mapping only really
    works when there is a huge overlap in the roles supported at the Producer
    and the Consumer. To me this is more and more smelling like something that
    belongs as an extension rather than an inherent part of the spec.
    The other area I am questioning whether it brings enough value to be
    included in v1.0 is the registration portType. So much of the function is
    in the extensions array that I'm starting to wonder if the entire portType
    should move out of the spec.

    Attachment: WSIA - WSRP Interface Specification v0.85.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

    Attachment: WSRP_v1_Interfaces.wsdl
    Description: Binary data

    Attachment: WSRP_v1_Binding.wsdl
    Description: Binary data

    Attachment: WSRP_Service.wsdl
    Description: Binary data

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