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Subject: RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] Search results page,map services, transient entities.
I am not questioning whether the design makes sense. I was questioning the phrasing of the problem to demonstrate the
need for transient entities and I was looking for a convincing business scenario where the need for transient entities
is clear. As long as there is an alternative, fairly clean solution to the problem, the rationale would not be clear.
Eilon and I talked about the scenario when the customization call ended early today. We agreed that
- my solution made sense for the particular phrasing problem
- and refining the problem where the search results page
- actually is showing page fragments from each of the map services
- and the number of results is unbounded (e.g all map services are not part of a single hotel chain).
makes a good case for transient entities.
Ravi Konuru
Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
It sounds like you are questioning whether the design proposed for the
Consumer's search result page makes sense. I would respond that not only
does it make sense, I have seen the equivalent on the web already (don't
remember where, but it was the basic scenario Eilon laid out). You are
basically there when you state that the search page could present a set of
clickable GIFs ... the question is where do these come from. Two basic
choices are that the Consumer prefetches them into a local cache and just
makes a connection to the search result record OR that for each result
record, the Consumer creates a transient entity at a Producer, sets the
configuration such that an appropriate GIF is generated and the Producer
includes whatever logic is needed to deal with clicks on the GIF. I would
argue that the architecture should not exclude either approach (both have
their advantages) and that the second approach is a good case where the
context known only by the Consumer is what dictates whether a persistent or
transient entity is appropriate.
Konuru/Watson/IBM To:,
@IBMUS cc:
Subject: RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] Search
06/12/2002 10:53 results page, map services, transient entities.
I don't understand why transient entities are created in this scenario. Why
is the search results page creating the transient entities?
I can think of a case where the search results page provides a set of
clickable GIFs that correspond to the hotel services but NOT actually
create transient entities at the Producer. If the user actually clicks on
one of them, it is at that time the consumer requests the producer to
create an entity (transient or persistent) and then embeds the output of
the entity in its web page.
Am I missing something?
Ravi Konuru
(Embedded image moved to file: pic28419.gif)Carsten Leue/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
(Embed (Embedded image moved to file: (Embedded image moved to file:
ded pic00419.gif) pic30879.gif)
image Carsten
moved Leue/Germa To: Eilon Reshef
to ny/IBM@IBM <>
file: DE cc: "'Alan Kropp'"
pic116 <>,
) 06/12/2002
06:57 AM Subject: RE: [wsrp] [wsia]
[wsrp-wsia joint interfaces]
agenda for Tuesday 11 June
I think that this is a very good scenario where transient entities make
Best regards
Carsten Leue
Dr. Carsten Leue
Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory B�blingen , Germany
Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401
| | Eilon Reshef |
| | <eilon.reshef@webc|
| |> |
| | |
| | 06/11/2002 08:35 |
| | PM |
| | Please respond to |
| | Eilon Reshef |
| | |
| |
| To: "'Alan Kropp'" <>,, |
| cc: |
| Subject: RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] agenda for
Tuesday 11 June |
| |
| |
I think that one example scenario is a search results page, say for hotels,
that dynamically displays multiple maps - a map for each hotel found.
Assuming that maps are remote services, and assuming that the number of
results is dynamic, the Consumer needs to create multiple copies of the map
service. If we allow the Producer to determine the persistence state of
those maps, that would mean that someone will have to take care of the
lifetime of those maps. The Consumer can't, because the page may be gone
without the Consumer never knowing about it (the user closes the browser
window). The Producer can't, because it can't tell whether the Consumer has
stored a reference to those maps as part of a design-time description of a
user page.
Is that along the lines of what you were looking for?