OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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RE: WSIA 5/9/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

  • 1.  RE: WSIA 5/9/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

    Posted 05-12-2002 20:41
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: RE: WSIA 5/9/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]

    Title: Message
    How about breaking this into two separate requirement that represent 1-3 and 4?
    I would be slightly concerned with a requirement that hints that we should put up guidelines or restrictions for developers. In fact, I believe that the business requirement should be "do not restrict the way people do things in any way". If us, as a technical committee, cannot answer that business requirement, that's fine (we won't be able to answer all), but it's better to clearly put a stake in the ground as to what we are trying to achieve, and then discuss on priorities. Same goes with not fully supporting Flash/Applets/etc. - they should be supported. (I did not fully understand your suggestion below, so I might still be missing something.) If we (or: a particular technical approach) can't manage to, that's our fault, but that doesn't mean that the requirement is not there... I believe that otherwise, we run into a risk that the spec will eventually be dominated by clean technical ideas, but will end up not meeting the real business requirements.