OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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[wsia] 07-12-02 Minutes for Website

  • 1.  [wsia] 07-12-02 Minutes for Website

    Posted 07-16-2002 14:12
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    Subject: [wsia] 07-12-02 Minutes for Website

    OASIS Web Services for Interactive Applications
    Technical Committee
    12 April 2002
    teleconference 12:00-1:00 pm EST
    William Cox	BEA	No
    Graeme Riddell	Bowstreet
    Greg Giles Cisco
    Srinivas Vadhri	Commerce One
    Kirk Wilson	Computer Associates		No
    Sean Fitts		Crossweave
    Timothy N. Jones	Crossweave
    Peter Quintas	Divine	No
    Robert Serr	Divine	No
    Sandra Swearingen	DoD	No
    Monica Martin	Drake Certivo
    Alan Kropp	Epicentric
    Patel Ashish	France Telecom	No
    Aditi Karandikar	France Telecom
    Royston Sellman	HP
    Dan Bongard	Kinzan	No
    Charles Wiecha	IBM (chair)
    Dan Gisolfi	IBM	No
    Ravi Konuru	IBM
    Rich Thompson	IBM
    Shankar Ramaswamy	IBM
    T.V. Raman	IBM	No
    Rex Brooks	individual
    John Kneiling	individual	No
    Kevin Brinkley	Intel
    Michael Mahan	Nokia	`No
    Terry Cline	Peregrine Systems
    Sasha Aicken	Plumtree
    Stefan Beck	SAP	No
    Jeffrey C. Broberg	Silverstream	No
    Suresh Damodaran	Sterling Commerce	No
    Eilon Reshef	WebCollage	No
    Gil Tayar		WebCollage
    1.	Roll call and minutes
    2.	Review of agenda for next week's Face to Face
    3.	Overview of Customized Use Case and Requirements. Detailed
    Review will take place at F2F.
    4.	Status update on Embedded Use Case.
    5.	Status update on collaboration with WSRP TC.
    6.	Status of liaison relationships with W3C.
    12:00	roll call
    12:05	review of minutes and actions from last meeting.
    Minutes approved. Actions all set.
    12:05	Review of agenda for next week�s F2F
    Reviewed Agenda. Eilon will pull together requirements doc from
    section 7 of the Embedded Case + those from Customized. We�ll review
    requirements and edit them real time during the F2F, and then do the
    same for the Customized.
    action:	Rich Thompson  circulate latest WSXL doc (it�s been updated
    to reflect latest ideas in Embedded and Customized).
    Maybe pull the ADL topic back from Friday into the Customized
    discussion as that�s where it is particularly relevant.
    action: anyone planning to attend remotely  let Charlie know so he
    can plan/add to capacity.
    12:20	Status of Customized - Ravi
    In subcommittee there was some discussion of what it means to
    Customize, and whether that meant the Provider should do everything
    or the Consumer should be able to make modifications. Decided not to
    try to solve the implementation now but to surface the scenarios in
    the Use Case. ie, describe the kinds of customization instead of
    deciding where they are performed.
    So Customized and Integrated docs have merged together, it exposes
    application-specific properties with some description of how they can
    be modified. Also describes how the Consumer can intercept, view and
    modify the datastream between the Producer and end user. Have added
    notion of Producer specifying what things are allowed to be
    In 2.2.6 have drilled down on the elements being modified to break
    out the kinds of Customizations. There are 3 types (Presentation,
    Data, Control) and 2 places (Producer and Consumer) so we�ll discuss
    at the F2F whether that 3x2 discussion of customization makes sense.
    Q: Is there an Event discussion?
    A: No, just actions. It�s an extension of the actions in the Embedded Case.
    12:40	Status of Embedded  Rich, Alan
    Flushing out section 7 and adding pointers to Eilon�s requirements
    doc. There�s a WSRP/WSIA joint interfaces telecon at 11 EST on Monday
    to review the requirements and make sure they sync with what WSRP is
    Q: Should WSRP-related requirements take priority now?
    A: Probably, in order to hit the draft spec goal in July, but we
    shouldn�t let it stop us going in a direction if we feel that�s what
    we need to do.
    12:40	WSRP Collaboration - Alan
    Getting into rich discussions in Protocols & Interfaces, trying to
    pull that into the Embedded Case without allowing it to get too
    portlet specific. Haven�t seen anything yet that is divergent from
    what we�re doing.
    Initial feeling was that it might make the Embedded Case too complex.
    WSRP is probably bigger than Embedded and overlaps Customized. We
    should probably discuss this next week.
    Alan is leading the liaison with WSRP and understanding this commonality.
    June 24-27 will be the back-to-back WSRP and WSIA at Oracle�s
    facilities in San Francisco.
    12:45	W3C relationships
    Karl asked Charlie to liaise with the W3C Web Services Working Group.
    There will be someone from WSRP nominated too. Will probably be
    looking for more liaisons (eg, XForms?) and looking for volunteers
    for that. Can raise this at the F2F.
    12:50	adjourn.

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