OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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Re: [wsia] Customization Subcommittee - Phone Meeting

  • 1.  Re: [wsia] Customization Subcommittee - Phone Meeting

    Posted 04-26-2002 07:27
    Eilon - Sorry, but I have a business dinner Weds 1st starting at that time, which I really should attend. If you could make it 1pm EST or even 12 noon, then it would be better for me. Cheers, Royston Eilon Reshef wrote: > Charlie, Shankar, Stefan, Terry, Ravi, Tim, Pete, Royston + Others, > > > > Would it work for everybody to have a kick-off phone conversation for > the Customization subcommittee on Wednesday, May 1, at 2pm EST? > > > > If the time works for you, I'll prepare an agenda that includes defining > our /raison d'etre/, reviewing the schedule, and setting up a working > procedures.