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Subject: [wsia] OASIS-W3C relationships for WSIA
Folks -- here's my draft response to Karl around potential liaison
relationships between WSIA and W3C...please post any comments or
suggestions for additions. I need to get back to him later on today.
Thanks, Charlie
Karl -- in addition to the Web Services Architecture WG, it would be useful
for WSIA to have relationships with the following W3C working groups and
activities:. (1) XFORMS, (2) on-going work around XLINK or other approaches
to separating linking from documents, and XPOINTER, (3) XPATH, and (5)
multimodal interaction.
Our work will draw more broadly from other working groups, such as Schema,
SOAP, DOM, HTML and so on, but we can probably track those groups without
the need for a more formal liaison relationship.
Charlie Wiecha