OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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[wscm] Motion for a WSIA Glossary of Terms

  • 1.  [wscm] Motion for a WSIA Glossary of Terms

    Posted 01-11-2002 13:51
    Recalling John's comments in the "Consumer" breakout session this week,
    namely "was there other work that we could borrow terms from for
    glossary/semantic/vocabulary purposes for both internal and external
    communications". I spotted an effort in another OASIS TC that I think
    demonstrates an approach whereby an initial delivery/artifact of the group
    (TC) is to produce a glossary of terms.
    To this end, I suggest taking a peak at the SPML Glossary attached. It has
    few items/terms which we may be able to "consume" but I think it offers us
    a good model for an initial roadmap milestone.
    I think such an item was captured as part of the mtg minutes but I was
    unsure if we actually agreed on a specific deliverable.
    (See attached file: draft-anand-glossary-02.doc)
    Dan Gisolfi