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[wsia] Summary of property interfaces for Thursday 10/10 call

  • 1.  [wsia] Summary of property interfaces for Thursday 10/10 call

    Posted 10-08-2002 14:47
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsia] Summary of property interfaces for Thursday 10/10 call

    Folks -- here's a summary of what's in the 0.72 draft spec regarding the
    Entity property interface...there are some minor changes from the 0.7 spec.
    This is as background for our discussion during this Thursday's 11-1
    Eastern weekly call.
    Charlie Wiecha
    (See attached file: WSRP Entity properties 100802.ppt)

    Attachment: WSRP Entity properties 100802.ppt
    Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation

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