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Subject: [wsia] Sessions and Transient Entities
Title: Message
Per your
recent e-mails, I think that the approach makes sense.
The only
thing that concerns me is that we have two different mechanisms to handle what
would seem to be a very similar scenario.
Scenario 1:
If there are two occurrences of a single portlet on a page, then as you
described it the portlet is responsible for segregating the occurrence-specific
information, using an additional key provided by the portal.
Scenario 2:
If there are two occurrences of a pair of portlets, then suddenly the
portal is responsible for segregating the two pairs by placing them in two
separate sessions.
(All, of
course, assuming that the portlets use sessions)
The idea of
the Consumer creating and managing the segregation keys has the scalability advantage that you
Can't we use it to handle both
In scenario 1, where there's portlets A1 and A2, then
the portal sends a key "1" when displaying A1 and a key "2" when displaying A2.
In scenario 2, when there's portlet pairs <A1,
B1> and <A2, B2>, then the portal sends a key "1" when displaying A1
and B1 and the key "2" when displaying A2 and B2.
This would allow the Producer to create and manage the
session id (and maybe even create them only when needed, instead of explicitly
creating them up-front as the current draft suggests). The Consumer only has to
take into account that it may receive (and needs to re-send) a separate session
id for each one of the keys.
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