OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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[wsia][security] 5/28 call agenda

  • 1.  [wsia][security] 5/28 call agenda

    Posted 05-28-2002 09:35
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsia][security] 5/28 call agenda

    Sorry about the lateness of getting this out, but with yesterday being a
    holiday ...
    Telecon info for todays 11AM EDT call:
       USA: 1-888-282-2156
       International: 712-247-0358
       passcode: 572602
    1. Review/Accept minutes
    2. Review security requirements extracted from scenarios. Monica's document
    attached. (Monica ... can you lead this?)
    3. Discuss general security issues for framing requirements.
    4. Discuss how the various security standards may apply to the WSIA
    (See attached file: WSIA Security Scenario Reqts_mm2_052102.doc)(See
    attached file: wsia-security 5-14-02 minutes.doc)

    Attachment: WSIA Security Scenario Reqts_mm2_052102.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

    Attachment: wsia-security 5-14-02 minutes.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

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