OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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  • 1.  Voting on WSRP 1.0 spec

    Posted 04-24-2003 19:19
     MHonArc v2.4.5 -->

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    Subject: Voting on WSRP 1.0 spec

    Folks -- I would like to carry out the WSIA voting on the joint WSRP 1.0 spec by email over the next week.  I have recorded the following votes so far:

    William Cox                Yes, from WSRP vote
    Monica Martin        
    Alan Kropp                        Yes, from WSRP vote
    Charles Wiecha                Yes, from WSRP vote
    Dan Gisolfi        
    Ravi Konuru        

    Bruce Lucas        
    Rich Thompson                Yes, from WSRP vote
    Rex Brooks                        Yes, from WSRP vote
    Sasha Aicken        
    Eilon Reshef                Yes, by email
    Gil Tayar                        Yes, from WSRP vote

    Those remaining, please forward your votes to the list and I'll pick them up and tally.

    Thanks, Charlie

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