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RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]Persistent Information Scope

  • 1.  RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]Persistent Information Scope

    Posted 05-23-2002 07:55
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]Persistent Information Scope

    I'm wondering if we need more than Mike's 3rd point in order to enable 'per
    consumer scope'. If the Consumer has control over when various persistent
    information is to be used, doesn't that provide more than enough control to
    have a scope at the level of the Consumer itself? Also, if the operation
    createEntity() takes a handle as a parameter, aren't we explicitly saying
    that entities live in a hierarchy with the Consumer having control over how
    the branching within that hierarchy occurs? I also think it would be wise
    for Producers to also scope the entire (Consumer controlled) hierarchy by
    Consumer, but haven't thought through the implications of trying to require
    such a scoping.
                          Gil Tayar                                                                                     
                          <Gil.Tayar@webcol        To:       wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org       
                          lage.com>                cc:                                                                  
                                                   Subject:  RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec    
                          05/23/2002 12:58          0.43]Pers      istent Information Scope                             
    In the interest of sanity and progress, I have broken up Rich's, Michael's,
    Monica's and Eilon's emails into four subjects - "Shared Transient
    Information", "Persistent Information Scope",
    "createEntity/createTemplate/createPortlet", "session and entity handles",
    and "Property lists".
    This email will deal with Persisent Information Scope, and the relevant
    quotes from the emails and my reply to them:
    Michael wrote:
    > 2) I think the specification should recognize the per consumer scope. I
    > understand a producer will be able to manage this scope transparently
    once we
    > add a registration handle but I don't think that just because it can be
    > inferred from the model we should ignore it (from the spec/description).
    > 3) The definition of the "persistent information" type needs to be
    > As written it implies a relationship with User transient information as
    > are claimed to be scoped to a user. Whereas a session is scoped
    one-to-one to
    > a user I don't believe persistent information is scoped one-to-one to a
    > Rather I believe we have discussed situations where the mapping is 1 to
    > I.e. the producer may be asked to operate on the sample persistent entity
    > differing concurrent user (sessions). This seems to imply that the scope
    > "persistent information" is whatever the consumer chooses it to be.
    So now Gil writes:
    I definitely agree on point #3. What I said was actually one Usage of the
    persistent information (i.e. one use is to tie it to the user), but yours
    is actually the more general - "the scope of 'persistent information' is
    whatever the Consumer chooses it to be."
    Objections, anybody? If not, I will change the draft spec appropriately.
    I am unclear about Point #2 above. When you're saying the specification
    should recognize the "per Consumer scope", you are talking about the scope
    on what type of information (user transient, shared transient, or
    persistent)? If it doesn't correlate to any type of information and is more
    of a general comment, then can you please elaborate? (e.g. an example, a
    proposed change to the spec)

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