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[wsia] Agenda for June 26/27 WSIA F2F

  • 1.  [wsia] Agenda for June 26/27 WSIA F2F

    Posted 06-19-2002 10:02
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [wsia] Agenda for June 26/27 WSIA F2F

    Folks -- here's the updated agenda for next week's F2F at Oracle.  Mike has
    sent out directions.  Call in numbers and web cast details will be sent out
    WSIA F2F, June 26
    Agenda for Day 1, WSIA/WSRP Joint F2F
     9:00 ?  9:15     Roll call and election of new Secretary, Web master
     9:15 ? 10:00     Review of WSIA Use Cases:
                      Embedded, Customized, Coordinated, Orchestrated,
                      plus discussion of their relationship to WSRP
    10:30 ? 10:45     Break
    10:45 ? 11:30     Review of the Joint Interfaces draft spec (part 1)
                      Lifecycle, output, action, service description
    11:30 ? 12:30     Lunch
    12:30 ?  2:30     Review of the Joint Interfaces draft spec (part 2)
     2:30 ?  2:45     Break
     2:45 ?  3:30     Review of Customization sub-scenarios
     3:30 ?  4:30     Review of technical requirements for Customization
     4:30 -  5:00     Discussion of Customization mechanisms
     5:00 ?  5:30     Discussion of future WSIA and WSRP collaboration:
                      Administration, Customization, Events, Navigational flow,
    WSIA F2F, June 27
    Agenda for Day 2
     9:00 -  9:05     Roll call
     9:05 ? 10:00     Review of WSRP Interfaces and Metadata for WSIA use:
                      PFB, Markup rules, Security, Property metadata
    10:00 ? 10:30     Update on Coordination use case
                      Review of scenarios, Use case status, Demos of
    Coordination in WSXL
    10:30 ? 10:45     Break
    10:45 ? 11:30     Toward Presentation, Data, and Control WSIA services
    11:30 ? 12:30     Lunch
    12:30 ?  1:30     Review of WSIA Requirements document
     1:30 ?  2:30     Glossary
     2:30 ?  2:45     Break
     2:45 ?  3:30     White paper, presentation
     3:30 ?  4:00     Implementation, demo plans around Joint Interfaces
     4:00 ?  5:00     Discussion of next steps: Customization spec,
                      Coordination requirements, Orchestration

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