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Subject: RE: AW: AW: [wsia][wsia-requirements][E922]
I have to disagree. A positive statement may feel better, but the
MUST NOT preclude sends the correct message--that we are
accommodating legacy systems, not giving them the nod. Also, when one
says enable this or that, the most common association made is that
this is the approved, or, heaven forbid, the only
application/service/bucket of stuff that the spec supports. What
springs to mind is the situation where a host of potential supporters
say, "Hey what about all that new REST, XMLP, Semantic Web stuff
coming along? You mean we can't use that?" MUST NOT preclude"
actually enables everything without giving the impression of any
favored system, and it also serves notice that change is coming.
At 10:17 AM -0700 5/8/02, Vadhri, Srinivas wrote:
>I agree with Stefan - on both accounts.
>1. Positive formulations are better
>2. the installed base of legacy systems is too big to ignore. Again, we are
>talking about standards and very difficult to accommodate all, particularly
>legacy systems which at the minimum do not even use XML-based