OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R130]

  • 1.  Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R130]

    Posted 05-15-2002 18:24
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R130]

    The first time I read it, as if I had never read it, and it sounded 
    really strange. Then I read it knowing what we mean and did not have 
    a problem and I could abide it regardless because I already know what 
    it means. I'm not sure someone reading it for the first time will 
    grasp the notion that a consumer can consume an exclusively stateful 
    or stateless service, as well as both.  And didn't we have correct in 
    the first version, that the Consumer consumes the service not the 
    Producer? (though I understand that if they are well seasoned.... 
    Oops, sorry, sense of humor alert!)
    This specification MUST allow a WSIA Consumer to consume 
    stateful-only WSIA Services, stateless-only WSIA Services, or both.
    At 4:37 PM -0400 5/15/02, Rich Thompson wrote:
    >       A Consumer should be able to consume both a stateful WSIA Web Service
    >       and a stateless one. If needed, this specification should define the
    >       mechanism that allows the Consumer to support both cases.
    >       Rewrite as one simple requirement: SR, RT, MM, TC, GT. Do not use
    >       "session", no recursive "lifecycle" definitions - instead "for the
    >       duration of..". Allow for Consumers that consume only stateful or
    >       stateless services.
    >       How about:
    >       This specification MUST allow a Consumer to consume only stateful
    >       WSIA Producers, only stateless WSIA Producers or both.
    >       The comment may have implied combining in R129 - 131, but I have no
    >       clear recollection of that intent.
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