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Re: [wsia] WSCI - input for Coordinated?

  • 1.  Re: [wsia] WSCI - input for Coordinated?

    Posted 06-17-2002 13:08
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [wsia] WSCI - input for Coordinated?

    This was specifically mentioned in the article I posted, including 
    some Gartner analysis snippets in regard to it. There appears to be 
    significant overlap with WSFL and Xlang. I've downloaded and scanned 
    the spec and it does not specifically mention portlets or portals, so 
    I don't think we have immediate conflicts to resolve, but it is 
    definitely another wrench in the works.Interesting timing, though.
    At 11:43 AM -0400 6/17/02, Graeme Riddell wrote:
    >Heard about this? - it might be relevant to "Coordinated"...   I notice that
    >WSCI as an acronym has already been claimed by the Wisconsin Specialty
    >Cheese Institute so maybe they'll need to rename it :-)
    >Here's the link on the Sun site:
    >:-) gr
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