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Subject: [wsia] Wed 10/16 Noon Property/Customization call
Folks -- We will meet at the regular time, Noon Eastern, tomorrow Wednesday
10/16 to
go through the action items from last Thursday's property discussion with
the full committee.
Items include:
1. Detailed semantics of setEntityProperties - in particular whether to
follow action semantics or simply return changed entityState
2. Internationalization issues - whether to support label and hint, if so
how to handle internationalization
Wed Oct 16
9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern
1-877-299-7551, passcode 2696#
eMeeting info:
Meeting Name WSRP/WSIA Property discussion
Start Time Wed Oct 16 12:00:00 2002 EDT (UTC -4)
Duration 1 hr 30 min
IBM Confidential? No
Unlisted? No
Password? No password
Moderator Charles F Wiecha
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