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Subject: RE: [wsia] OASIS-W3C relationships for WSIA
Title: RE: [wsia] OASIS-W3C relationships for
I concur. I have followed the discussion of XMLP on xml-dev and
it has fizzled for lack of controversy or specifics I imagine, but it
may solve the one aspect of Web Services for which I have yet to find
the appropriate forum, mainly that we need a way to pre-secure the
channels for a set of services or at least check them and make sure
that the channels are open and available for transmission before a
full session is engaged. For the simplest embedded, or fire-and-forget
use cases from wsia producers it is not a problem, but onward from
that point it becomes problematic in a range from minor to
At 10:07 AM -0500 4/4/02, Eilon Reshef wrote:
I would add XMLP, just in case we have some
requirements around transport of HTML documents, around
meta-definitions and interface support, etc.