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RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]Terminology

  • 1.  RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]Terminology

    Posted 05-23-2002 07:35
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    Subject: RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.43]Terminology

    The WSIA requirements call for us to support persistent sets of data, so I
    would prefer that we pick a name that is meaningful in both TCs rather than
    ending up with 2 more specific names.
                          "Eilon Reshef"                                                                                 
                          <eilon.reshef@webc        To:       Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS,                            
                          ollage.com>                <wsia@lists.oasis-open.org>, <wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org>            
                          05/22/2002 10:03          Subject:  RE: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec    
                          PM                         0.43] Terminology                                                   
    A taxonomy question mainly to the WSRP folks (Thomas, Mike, ...).
    I think everybody is pretty much on the same page with regards to the term
    "session" which identifies the transient state. (And, as Rich noted, to
    people that come from an OO background, this would be the same as an object
    The tougher one is the persistent key, which in WSRP is typically referred
    to as "instance", but as Rich noted this may be non-intuitive to people
    from an OO background (who think of transient object instances), and hence
    the need for a new term.
    Would you find the following, radically simplified, suggestion for an
    operation name intrusive:
    Along those lines, a portal would call the operation createPortlet, would
    get back a (persistent) portletID and then (optionally) call createSession
    with the portletID.
    Note that using this taxonomy, a portlet is the "last persistent instance".
    So, multiple instances of the same mail portlet are multiple portlets.
    A few justification points:
    1. IBM's RPWS proposal used the term createInstance. However, clearly the
    term "instance" is meaningless by itself - an instance is always an
    instance of something, in this case I assume the intent was a shortcut for
    createPortletInstance. Hence, createPorlet conveys a similar meaning.
    2. The ability to create a persistent key seems to be only under the scope
    of WSRP and not under WSIA. WSIA supports a persistent key to create
    sessions and to subsequent operations, but wouldn't probably deal with how
    they are created and management (with all the associated issues that are
    well described in Mike's latest summary). Hence, the motivation to use a
    portal-specific name.
    Any thoughts from hard-core portal people?