OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

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WSIA Security 5/21/2002: [wsia] [wsrp] [security] New security TC

  • 1.  WSIA Security 5/21/2002: [wsia] [wsrp] [security] New security TC

    Posted 05-21-2002 10:46
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: WSIA Security 5/21/2002: [wsia] [wsrp] [security] New security TC

    Potential security or related access requirements from scenarios.  I
    have begun to pull out statements in the scenarios submitted that may
    allude to security requirements.  Rich, this could start the ball
    rolling on a set of security objectives and requirements for access,
    privilege and transfer.
    Will finish today.
    Monica J. Martin
    Program Manager
    Drake Certivo, Inc.