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[wsia] WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen

  • 1.  [wsia] WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen

    Posted 08-05-2002 17:05
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsia] WSIA/WSRP F2F Meeting in Boeblingen

    you can find some information about the WSIA/WSRP F2F-Meeting (September
    9th-12th) at "http://oasis-open.org/committees/wsrp/meetings/index.shtml";.
    The preliminary agenda is attached to this mail.
    In order to organize the meeting space we need the number of persons that
    intend to participate physically.
    Please reply to Lothar at merk@de.ibm.com before August 23rd to indicate if
    you will
    physically attend the meeting. Please also indicate if you will attend all
    4 days (both WSIA on Monday and WSRP Tue-Thurs) or only parts of the
    Thanks and Regards,
    (See attached file: PreWSRPMeeting3Agenda.htm)
    (See attached file: PreWSRPMeeting3Agenda.pdf)
    (See attached file: PreWSRPMeeting3Agenda.doc)
    Title: Proposed Agenda for the 3rd WSRP/WSIA TC Meeting (September 9th-12th, 2002)

    Preliminary Agenda for the 3rd WSRP/WSIA TC Meeting (September 9th-12th, 2002)



    Monday, September 9th


    WSIA Meeting (WSRP Members are invited as well)


    09:00 - 09:30��������� Welcome and Agenda

    09:30 - 10:30��������� Interfaces for properties: Entity and Session Customization and Use Cases

    10:30 - 10:45��������� Break

    10:45 - 11:30��������� Customization Interfaces (continued)

    11:30 - 12:30��������� Lunch

    12:30 - 02:30��������� Metadata for property description

    02:30 - 02:45��������� Break

    02:45 - 04:00��������� Coordination use case, interfaces, and metadata

    04:00 - 05:00��������� Roadmap for publishing Customization interfaces, continuing Coordination



    Tuesday, September 10th


    WSRP Meeting (WSIA Members are invited as well)


    09:00 - 09:30��������� Welcome and Agenda

    09:30 - 10:30��������� WSRP implementation experiences on Tomcat / J2EE

    10:30 - 10:45��������� Break

    10:45 - 11:30��������� WSRP Interfaces & Protocols � Slot1
    Starting with presentation of open and closed activities (Mike Freedman, Alan Kropp)

    11:30 - 12:30��������� Lunch

    12:30 - 02:30��������� WSRP Interfaces & Protocols � Slot2

    02:30 - 02:45��������� Break

    02:45 - 05:00��������� WSRP Interfaces & Protocols � Slot3



    Wednesday, September 11th


    09:00 - 10:30��������� WSRP Interfaces & Protocols � Slot4

    10:30 - 10:45��������� Break

    10:45 - 11:30��������� WSRP Markup Fragments � Slot1
    Starting with presentation of open and closed activities (Chris Braun)

    11:30 - 12:30��������� Lunch

    12:30 - 02:30��������� WSRP Markup Fragments � Slot 2
    Starting with presentation of open and closed activities (Chris Braun)

    02:30 - 03:00��������� Break

    03:00 - 05:00��������� WSRP Publish, Find, Bind & Metadata
    Starting with presentation of open and closed activities (Mike Freedman)


    07:00���������������������� Dinner



    Thursday, September 12th


    09:00 - 10:30��������� WSRP Security, Identity, SSO
    Starting with presentation of open and closed activities (Mark Cassidy)

    10:30 - 10:45��������� Break

    10:45 - 11:30��������� Breakout Sessions for subgroups

    11:30 - 12:30��������� Lunch

    12:30 - 02:00��������� Breakout Sessions for subgroups

    02:00 - 02:30��������� Summary of Breakout Sessions

    02:30 - 02:45��������� Break

    02:45 - 05:00��������� Milestone Update (Final steps to specification, implementation, �) and adjourn



    Attachment: PreWSRPMeeting3Agenda.pdf
    Description: Adobe PDF document

    Attachment: PreWSRPMeeting3Agenda.doc
    Description: MS-Word document

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