MHonArc v2.5.2 -->
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Subject: Re: [wsia] [wsrp-interfaces] WSDL for v0.5
Thanks for the extra work, You're a true trooper. Now, my question
is, will there be a draft without the WSDL which you have extracted?
If one has already been posted, I missed it. I've been very busy on
other work over the holiday which is how I managed to miss
yesterday's call. I'm only now coming up for a gulp of air before
diving back in.
At 9:23 AM -0400 9/4/02, Rich Thompson wrote:
>Thanks to all who in parallel extracted the WSDL from the draft and did
>some validation checks against it. I spent some time the past couple of
>days running the enclosed wsdl files (extracted from v0.5 draft) through
>various tools including wsdl2java, whose java output files are included as
>well. I'm proposing these WSDL files (WSRP-v1-Interfaces and
>WSRP-v1-Binding) become what is published on oasis for Producer imports and
>would therefore propose people use these for further checking.
>(See attached file: WRSP-wsdl_files.ZIP)
>Attachment converted: Enterprise:WRSP-wsdl_files.ZIP (pZIP/pZIP) (001E3876)
Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA 94702 *510-849-2309 *
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